Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Katika hali isiyokuwa ya kawaida wananchi wa kijiji na kata ya Mkwajuni
Wilaya ya Chunya Mkoani hapa wamemzika Mwanakijiji mwenzao akiwa hai
wakimtuhumu kusababisha kifo cha Mkazi mmoja kijijini hapo.
hilo la kusikitisha limetokea Apri 26 mwaka huu majira ya Saa Nane
Mchana katika Kitongoji cha Maweni Makaburini baada ya Mhanga
aliyefahamika kwa jina la Victory Mwachirui(68) kuhudhuria mazishi ya
Pita Barton(28)aliyefariki baada ya kuugua kwa muda mrefu.
mujibu wa mashuhuda wa tukio hilo, Thobias Ismail amesema marehemu
alipatwa na umauti akiwa anapatiwa matibabu kwa mganga wa jadi ambaye
jina lake halikuweza kujulikana maramoja.
Amesema wakati taratibu za
mazishi zikiendelea Ndugu wa marehemu walidai kuwa kifo cha Marehemu
kilisababishwa na Mwachirui ambaye ni Katekista mstaafu kwa imani za
Ameongeza kuwa wakati
kaburi likichimbwa kwa ajili ya kumzika marehemu ndipo vijana waliokuwa
wakichimba waliagiza Wazee wa Mila wafike makaburini kwa ajili ya
kuangalia utaratibu wa mazishi na kukagua ukubwa wa Kaburi ambalo
lilikuwa limekwisha chimbwa.
Kutokana na mwito huo walifika wazee
wanne akiwemo Mzee Mwachirui ambaye walimsisitiza kusogea jirani na
kaburi ambapo baada ya kusogea alipigwa na Sururu kichwani na kuangukia
kaburini huku akisindikizwa na marungu.. (Habari zaidi na
Msangi Tube
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
When you try to examine what is real within that phrase of words, you will come up with the conclusion that most of Africans do not like to read the books,but if we knew it we could have ran to libraries to open the books so that we can enjoy the intercourse with superior minds. The president of United States of America Barrack Obama has benefited form the practice of consulting the books and in his witness he said that “I thank the books because they opened my mind”....and I think that is why he is the leading speech maker in the world as most of his speeches has been ranked as the best speeches.
Most of us and especially students in higher learning institutions in Tanzania are somehow narrow minded because of our behaviors of not reading the books and we are used to “madesas” given by our tutors and lecturers....and we misses extra knowledges obtained in the books and that is why we fails in making some analyses to some important aspects of life. Also we fails to make relevant references to our arguments in our normal life and we are the same as laymen when it comes to analysis of different life phenomenas.
I here come before you to urge you that books are the best places we can enjoy the pool of knowledges and precious thoughts.
It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds. In the best books,great men talk to us,give us their most precious thoughts, and pour their souls into ours. God be thanked for books. They are voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. Books are true levelers. They give all who will faithfully use them, the society, the spiritual presence of the best and greatest race.
William Ellery channing
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Meli kubwa hili la kifahari kwa jina Costa Concordia limelala chali ufukoni mwa bahari ya Tucsan kule Italy. Mpaka sasa watu 11 wameshathibitishwa kuwa wamefariki. Wengine 29 hawajulikani waliko. Lita za mafuta zipatazo 500,000 huenda zikamiminika baharini katika sehemu ambayo imetengwa kuwa mazalia salama ya nyangumi na pomboo (dolphins). Kwa nini ajali hii imetokea?
Inavyosemekana ni uzembe wa nahodha. Yeye aliacha kufuata ramani za njia aliyopangiwa na badala yake akaisogeza meli karibu na pwani zaidi ili kujionyesha. Kwa kufanya hivyo meli ikagota kwenye mwamba. Ajali ikatokea. Na kibaya zaidi, nahodha mwenyewe akatimua mbio na kulitelekeza jukumu lake la kuhakikisha kwamba kila abiria ameokolewa.
Ni manahodha wangapi waliwahi kuangusha meli za nchi zao kama huyu nahodha mchovu wa Costa Concordia? Wafikirie akina Mobutu, akina Bokassa, akina Idd Amin, akina Banda, akina ......Afrika ina msururu mrefu wa manahodha wazembe waangusha meli. Tanzania je? Tuna bahati ama?
Pengine maswali ya kujiuliza ni haya: Abiria wanastahili lawama katika uzembe huu wa manahodha wao? Kwa nini mtu mmoja awe na madaraka makubwa ya kusogeza meli karibu na miamba na hakuna mtu wa kumkataza? Wakati unaposoma makala haya mafupi unajua meli ya bara lako na nchi yako inaelekea wapi? Usije ukashangaa sana kama meli hiyo itakuwa inaelekea ufukoni kunako miamba ya hatari. Kama abiria mwema, jukumu lako ni nini?
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (amezaliwa 14 Mei, 1984) ni mjasiriamali Mmarekani anayejulikana kama mwanzilishi mwenza wa tovuti maarufu ya urafiki mtandao ya Facebook. Zuckerberg alianzilisha Facebook pamoja na wanafunzi wenzake Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, na Chris Hughes wakati wakihudhuria Chuo Kikuu cha Harvard. Zuckerberg ndiye Afisa Mkuu Mtendaji wa Facebook.[2] Amekuwa mada ya utata kuhusu asili ya biashara yake. [3]
Time magazine ilimworodhesha Zuckerberg kama moja wa Watu Mashuhuri Zaidi Duniani mwaka wa 2008. Aliorodheshwa katika kitengo cha Wanasayansi na Mamajuzi kwa mtandao wake ulionoga wa Facebook, na kuorodheshwa wa 52 kati ya watu 101 [4] Kufikia Januari 2010 Zuckerberg ndiye mfanyabiashara aliyejijenga mchanga zaidi mwenye thamani ya zaidi ya dola bilioni.
Maisha Yake ya AwaliZuckerberg alizaliwa White Plains, New York na kukulia Dobbs Ferry, New York. Alianza kuunda programu alipokuwa katikati shule ya kitengo cha kati. Zuckerberg alifurahia kuunda programu za kompyuta mapema, na hasa zana za mawasiliano na michezo. Kabla ya kuhudhuria Exeter Phillips Academy, Mark alienda shule ya Ardsley High School. "Katika shule ya upili, yeye alifaulu sana katika masomo ya Kale. Alihamishiwa Phillips Exeter Academy ambako alizama katika somo la Kilatini. [6][6]Pia aliunda programu ya kuwasaidia wafanyakazi katika ofisi ya baba yake kuwasiliana; akaunda toleo la mchezo wa Risk na programu ya kucheza muziki iitwayo Synapse iliyotumia wangafu kujifunza tabia za kusikiliza za watumiaji. Microsoft na AOL zilijaribu kununua Synapse na kumwajiri Zuckerberg, lakini aliamua badala yake kuenda Chuo Kikuu cha Harvard, ambapo alijiunga na Alpha Epsilon Pi , kikundi cha wanafunzi Wayahudi.[7]Chuoni, alijulikana kwa kukariri mistari kutoka mashairi ya kale kama vile The Iliad . [6]
Zuckerberg alivumbua Facebook katika chumba chake cha kulala cha Harvard mnamo Februari 4, 2004. Wazo la Facebook lilimjia kutoka siku zake za Phillips Academy Exeter ambapo, kama vyuo na shule nyingi, ilikuwa na mazoea ya siku nyingi ya kuchapisha kitabu cha kila mwaka chenye picha za wanafunzi wote, Kitivo na wafanyakazi inayojulikana kama "Facebook". Chuoni, Facebook ilianza tu kama "jambo la Harvard", mpaka Zuckerberg alipoamua kuieneza Facebook katika shule zingine na kuomba msaada kutoka kwa Dustin Moskovitz aliyekuwa wakiishi katika chumba kimoja chuoni. Kwanza walieneza hadi Stanford, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell na Yale, na kisha kwa shule nyingine zilizokuwa na mawasiliano ya kijamii na Harvard.
Facebook Platform
Mnamo May 24 2007, Zuckerberg ilivumbua Facebook Platform, jukwaa ya maendelezo kwa kujengea vipengele vya kirafiki ndani ya Facebook. Tangazo hili lilisababisha hamu kubwa katika jamii ya wanaotengeneza vipengele hivi. Katika wiki chache, vipengele vingi vilijengwa na baadhi zao tayari kutumika na mamilioni ya watumiaji. Hii leo, kuna zaidi ya watengenezaji 800,000 ulimwenguni wanaounda vipengele kwa kutumia Facebook Platform.
Mnamo Julai 23 2008, Zuckerberg alitangaza Facebook Connect, toleo la Facebook Platform kwa watumiaji.
Microsoft kuwekeza katika Facebook
Mnamo October 24 2007, Facebook Inc iliuza asilimia 1.6 ya hisa zake kwa Microsoft Corp kwa dola milioni 240, na kughairi maombi kutoa kwa kampuni inayoongoza katika huduma ya kutafuta katika mtandao Google Inc Hii ilionyesha kwamba Facebook ilikuwa na thamani ya dola bilioni 15 wakati wa mauzo. Programu ya kusasisha bidhaa ya michezo ya Xbox 360 ya Microsoft ilitolewa na pia kuboresha Facebook, Twitter na [15]

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio,
Corsica. He declared himself Emperor of France in 1804.
He created a short-lived French empire
as he travelled across the entire continent of Europe.
He was also a military officer and invaded Russia in 1812,
but his allies left him in the battle which resulted in his loss
and exile to Elba.
After his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815,
Napoleon died in St. Helena where he had also been exiled.
Napoleon became famous for his quotes that remind people
of his memoirs. Some of his quotes are, ‘France is invaded.
I am leaving to take command of my troops, and with God’s help
and their valour, I hope soon to drive the enemy beyond
the frontier’.
Napoleon’s statement in Paris on January 23, 1814, says,
‘Whatever shall we do in that remote spot? Well, we will write
our memoirs. Work is the scythe of time’.
He quoted while on board the HMS Bellerophon in August 1815,
‘I generally had to give in’. He also stated to the
Empress Josephine, on May 19, 1816, that ‘I may have had many
projects, but I never was free to carry out any of them.
It did me little good to be holding the helm; no matter how
strong my hands, the sudden and numerous waves were stronger
still, and I was wise enough to yield to them rather than
resist them obstinately and make the ship founder. Thus,
I never was truly my own master, but was always ruled by
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Woman Killed By Fiancee For Accepting Male Friends On Facebook

When the man was interogatted, he couldn't say anything he just kept saying it is the devil's work.T he man was sober as he said it is the hand work of his detractors. Really whether it is the devil or not this is Jealously of the highest
Friday, November 11, 2011

1. There is *no electricity bill* in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
2. There is *no interest on loans*, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.
3. *Home* considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi’s father has died while him, his wife and his mother are still living in a tent.
4. All newlyweds in Libya receive *$60,000 Dinar* (US$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans are literate. Today the figure is 83%.
6. Should Libyans want to take up *farming* career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms – all for free.
7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to *go abroad* for it – not only free but they get US$2,300/mth accommodation and car allowance.
8. In Libyan, if a Libyan buys a *car*, the government subsidized 50% of the price.
9. The price of *petrol* in Libya is $0.14 per liter.
10. Libya has *no external debt* and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan is unable to get *employment* after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until employment is found.
12. A portion of Libyan *oil sale* is, credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who *gave birth* to a child receive US$5,000
14. 40 loaves of *bread* in Libya costs $ 0.15
15. 25% of Libyans have a *university degree*
16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest *irrigation* project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
Which other dictator has done much good to his people besides.
*P.S. If this is the dictator Gaddafi is, then give us one like him here in Bolehland
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Edward Lowasa, atabiriwa na TB Joshua?

MH Lowasa akiwa na Familia yake Mkewe Regina Lowasa na Binti Yao
Katika kutekeleza mkakati huo, Januari mwaka huu, Lowassa alijitokeza kuzungumzia vurugu zilizotokea mkoani Arusha zilizotokana na mvutano katika uchaguzi wa meya wa jiji hilo kati ya CCM na CHADEMA.Katika mnyukano huo, watu watatu walipigwa risasi na polisi na kufariki dunia baada ya polisi kutumia nguvu isiyo ya kawaida kuzima maandamano ya CHADEMA.Kauli hiyo ya Lowassa ilikuwa tofauti na msimamo wa Katibu Mkuu wa CCM, Yusuf Makamba aliyemtaka kuwasilisha maoni yake katika vikao vya chama badala ya kutumia vyombo vya habari.Kauli nyingine ya Lowassa ilihusu nyongeza ya viwango vya mishahara kwa wafanyakazi, kutokana na kile alichoita mfumuko wa bei kuwa mkubwa.Bali wiki moja iliyopita, Naibu Katibu Mkuu wa vyama vya wafanyakazi nchini (TUCTA), Nicholas Mganya alimtuhumu Lowassa kwa kutoa kauli hiyo akisema ana ajenda ya siri nyuma yake.Mgaya alisema TUCTA haihitaji msaada wa Lowassa katika kusimamia madai yao. Alisema “mbunge huyo wa Monduli inaonekana ana ajenda yake mgongoni.”Hatua nyingine ya Lowassa katika kujikarabati kisiasa ni kugombea na kupata nafasi ya Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Bunge ya Mambo ya Nje, Ulinzi na Usalama.Lowassa amekuwa pia akihudhuria hafla nyingi, hasa za madhehebu ya Kikiristo (KKKT) ambao anaonekana akitoa maoni mbalimbali kama ilivyokuwa Jumapili iliyopita ukumbi wa Dimaond Jubilee kwenye uzinduzi wea albamu ya moja ya kwaya za injili.Kwenye kusanyiko hilo, Beatrice naye alikuwepo. Lowassa alimtaka asome maoni ya gazeti la The Citizen juu ya ushirikina uliokithiri nchini; jambo ambalo Lowassa alizungumzia kwa urefu.MwanaHALISI lilipowasiliana na Beatrice ili kupata maoni yake juu ya ushwahiba wake mpya na Lowassa, mahojiano yalikuwa kama ifuatavyo:Mwandishi: Tusaidie maelezo kidogo juu ya ujumbe uliomwandikia Mheshimiwa Pindi Chana kumjulisha kuwa uliambiwa Edward Lowassa atakuwa rais. Ni kweli?Beatrice: Barua ameandika nani na umeipata wapi?Mwandishi: Hii barua fupi – memo ndani ya Bunge, uliposema Mheshimiwa Lowassa ambaye amesimamia vizuri kura zako za ukamishna wa Bunge.Beatrice: Sina taarifa hiyo. Wala siikumbuki. Unajua ndani ya Bunge tunaandikiana mambo mengi, tena mengine ya utani tu. Na mimi na Mheshimiwa Chana sote ni “walokole,” tunafanyiana utani sana.Mwandishi: Kwani mheshimiwa Shelukindo, mkiwa ndani ya bunge kuna utani mwingi, kwamba huwa mnaandikiana utani sana?Beatrice: Kabisa, unajua tunaandika mambo mengi. Na kama unaandika kwa utani kwa mwenzako inabaki hivyo ni utani tu. Sasa tatizo hao wanaowaletea mambo haya wanatumia mambo haya kutafuta mipango yao ya kufikia mwaka 2015.Alisema, “Mimi najua hakuna anayenibeba ndugu yangu. Mimi ni very solid (ngangari), sibebeki. Nakwambia, mbona mimi nina nguvu nyingi mimi mwenyewe; sihitaji kubebwa. Najua wanajaribu kuonyesha tunabebwa, lakini huo ni ujinga wao wa kufikiri.Mwandishi: Mheshimiwa Shelukindo, kwani nyie waheshimiwa huwa mnatafutana (kufitiniana)?Beatrice: Hiyo inafanyika sana, watu wakishakuwa na mambo yao wanatumia wengine kutimiza dhamira zao. Lakini mimi ninafikiria wananchi. Nimeshaamua kwamba Beatrice nashughulikia shida za wananchi jimboni. Ninatafuta njia za kuwaondolea umasikini, njaa na mambo kama hayo. Sasa wengine wanatafuta tu pa kunishika.Mwandishi: Kwa hiyo Mh. Lowassa ndiye alikuwa kampeni meneja wako katika kutafuta ukamishna pale bungeni, au siyo Mheshimiwa?Beatrice: Lakini kama anafanya kazi ya kampeni vizuri; ni vizuri tu. Isipokuwa kila mtu anajichukulia mwenyewe alivyo. Mimi ni mtu wa kazi sihitaji kusimamiwa hivyo. Na hebu tujadili hili; unajua kaka nyinyi mnafanya kazi kubwa. Sasa hii kusikia, sijui MwanaHALISI hivi, sijui hivi, pengine kuna watu wanachomekea vitu vyao. Tunapenda kazi yenu.Mwandishi: Mheshimiwa nakushukuru sana.Beatrice: Karibu sana tutafanya kazi pamoja.Akiwa Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Bunge ya Nishati na Madini, mume wa Beatrice, William Shellukindo, alikuwa na msimamo mkali dhidi ya watuhumiwa wakuu wa ufisadi nchini na hiyo ndiyo inayoelezwa kuwa sababu ya kushindwa kwake ubunge katika mchakato wa ndani ya CCM.
Shellukindo alikuwa mbunge wa jimbo la Bumbuli mkoani Tanga kwa zaidi ya miaka 20, alishindwa katika kura za maoni na January Makamba, mtoto wa katibu mkuu wa CCM anayetajwa kuwa mfuasi wa mtandao wa Lowassa.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ushahidi wa Asili ya lugha duniani

Baada ya kutafiti lugha zipatazo 500, Dr. Quentin Atkinson, mtaalamu wa masuala ya Lugha, amegundua ushahidi wa kutosha kwamba lugha zote duniani zilianzia Afrika toka katika jamii za babu na bibi zetu walioshi katika Zama za Mawe (Stone Age)
Utafiti huu si kwamba unaonesha tu kuwa lugha zimeanzia Afrika bali pia unaonesha kwamba lugha au matamshi yalitumika na mwanadamu tangu miaka zaidi ya 100,000 (laki moja) iliyopita, zamani ikifikiriwa kuwa ilikuwa ni pungufu ya hapo.
Wataalamu wa masuala ya mageuzi endelevu (evolution) wamezipokea habari hizi kwa nderemo na vifijo wakisema huu ni ushahidi mwingine kwamba binadamu amekuwa akiboresha maisha yake siku hadi siku. Kwa sasa upo ushahidi kwamba mwanadamu wa kwanza alitembea katika uso wa dunia kati ya miaka laki 2 au laki moja na nusu iliyopita na kwamba miaka elfu sabini baadae binadamu walianza kuhama toka kwenye bara la Afrika na kwenda sehemu zingine za dunia.
Japo wanasayani wanao ushahidi wa kutosha kuhusu kuhama huku kwa binadamu lakini bado hawana uhakika kwamba ni wakati gani hasa binadamu alianza kutumia lugha kuwasiliana. Wapo wanasayansi wanaosema lugha ziliibuka nyakati tofauti na pia wapo wanaosema lugha zote ni matawi toka kwenye lugha moja ya awali.
Dr. Atkinson wa Chuo Kikuu cha Auckland, amegundua ushahidi mkubwa unaoonesha kwamba lugha zote duniani ni matawi ya lugha ya awali ya Afrika. Katika utafiti wake aliouchapisha katika jarida la Science, amehesabu aina za sauti zilizoko kwenye lugha zisizopungua 504 na kuzipanga katika jedwali.
Anasema, Kiingereza, kwa mfano, kina sauti zipatazo 45, wakati lugha za Amerika ya Kusini zina sauti zisizozidi 15, na wakati huohuo jamii ya Bushmen kama Wasandawe wa Tanzania na Khoisan wa Botswana lugha zao zina sauti zaidi ya 200.
Dr. Atkinson anasema idadi ya sauti ni kielelezo kikubwa kwamba ni kwa jinsi gani lugha husika imeathiriwa zaidi na lugha za kusini mwa bara la Afrika. Anaendelea kusema kwamba tofauti ya idadi ya sauti unatokana na jinsi watu walivyokuwa wakihama tangu miaka elfu sabini iliyopita. Lugha zinabadilika (kukua au kufa) kutokana na kurithishwa toka kizazi kimoja hadi kingine.
Katika jamii zenye idadi kubwa ya watu lugha ina nafasi kubwa ya kuishi kwa muda mrefu na kukuza misamiati yake kwa sababu kizazi kipya kinakuwa kinayo kumbukumbu ya misamiati iliyokuwa ikitumia na kizazi kilichopita.
Lakini jamii yenye idadi ndogo ya watu na ambao bado wataendelea kuhama a hivyo kuzidi kupunguza idadi yao, lugha ina uwezo mkubwa wa kupteza sauti zake za awali na hata kufa kabisa wakati mwingine toka kizazi kimoja hata kingine.
Profesa Mark pagel, mtaalamu wa sayansi ya Bailojia, anasema kuwa ubadilikaji wa lugha unaonekana pia hata katika sayansi ya DNA. Profesa anasema jinsi unavyozidi kwenda mbali na Afrika ndivyo jinsi unavyozidi kupoteza sauti za asili za lugha yako.
Afrika tunao mchango mkubwa sana katika historia ya maisha ya mwandamu, cha ajabu tunaacha yetu yaliyo mema na kuiga ya wenzetu ambao walifanya tu kuhama toka hapa na kwenda sehemu nyingine duniani. Wao wanatazama Afrika kujifunza lakini wakati mwingi wanakuta tunafanya yale wanayofanya wao, na kwa bahati mbaya hatuigi ya maana, tunafata ya kishenzi tukidhani ndio usasa. Afrika Amka Sasa!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
- Supernatural birth
According to SCOAN's account,supernatural phenomena accompanied Joshua's birth and early life. Joshua allegedly remained in his mother's womb for 15 months before he was born. In hospital, his mother was allegedly warned not do an operation by a pastor, who said that God was busy preparing the child in her womb.
During his naming ceremony seven days after birth, a big stone was said to have flown from where workers were drilling a borehole, pierced the roof where people were celebrating and landed where the baby was placed. The stone missed him narrowly.
It is also said a sage had predicted his birth a century earlier.
- Education
Joshua attended St. Stephen's Anglican Primary School (Ikare-Akoko, Nigeria, 1971–1977),but failed to complete one year of secondary school education. In school, he was known as 'small pastor' because of his love for the Bible and ability to predict things to come in his community.He further gained a reputation for alleged spiritual prowess after confronting a madman in the school premises and collecting his weapon from him. He was the leader of 'Scripture Union' while in school. - Joshua worked washing people's feet on the streets of Lagos, before moving to a poultry farm where he had the job of carrying chicken waste. At the same time, he held Bible studies with children and attended evening school.
His ambition to enlist into the military was aborted when the train he boarded to attend an interview at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, developed serious faults that left him stranded in the bush for six days.
- Founding of The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN)
The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria
In 1987, T. B. Joshua visited a ‘prayer mountain’ to seek the face of God. There, he allegedly fasted and prayed for 40 days and 40 nights. He wrote that in a heavenly vision, he had received divine anointing and a covenant from God to start his ministry. In his own words, he said concerning the life-changing experience:
“… I saw a hand that pointed a Bible to my heart. The Bible entered my heart and my former heart seemed to immerse with the Bible immediately… I heard a voice saying, ‘I am your God. I am giving you a divine commission to go and carry out the work of the Heavenly Father… I would show you the wonderful ways I would reveal myself through you in teaching, preaching, miracles, signs and wonders for the salvation of souls…’ ”
Joshua started a church with just a handful of members, naming it 'The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations'—a name he says God divinely revealed to him. Since then, the church has grown beyond Nigeria. More than 15,000 members attend the weekly Sunday service, and visitors from outside Nigeria are accommodated in the church facilities.
From the very first service held in 1987 to the present day, the church has been controversial due to reports of miraculous signs and wonders that occur every week. Numerous videos have been produced that allegedly document the healing of incurable sicknesses such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, and paralysis; showing people's conditions before, during, and after prayer from T. B. Joshua.
The church currently has branches in Ghana, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Greece. He also mentors evangelists from around the world on the church premises, saying: "The biggest reward God can give to His servant... is to make disciples who will do better than what we are presently doing."
A renowned Nigerian prophet, Akin Adewole, prophesied in 1995 that “a young man from Nigeria would be highly anointed, such that all the nations of the world would embrace the mighty God through him,” a message he later affirmed to be concerning T. B. Joshua.
- Healing and health-related events
Instantaneous baby deliveries, healing of cancerous sores, the HIV/AIDS virus,barrenness, and raising from the dead, all through prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, are among the reported miraculous activities taking place at the SCOAN. In September 2008, it was reported that a man who had been mentally ill for 14 years was restored to sanity and reunited with his family. Spiritual healing at The SCOAN has been mentioned by Time magazine.
Thousands from across Africa attend his monthly healing services.Many also testify to being healed through 'anointing water' from the SCOAN.
- Prediction of events
Joshua has allegedly predicted many world events and disasters, including the disastrous cyclone in Myanmar, the 2008 [[British Airways Flight 38crash landing of a Boeing 777 plane at Heathrow Airport, the rescue of Ingrid Betancourt from the Colombian jungle, the death of Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, the death of Brittany Murphy,the death of former South Korean president Roh Moo-Hyun,the attack on Pakistan religious affairs minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi, precise details relating to the death of famed US Senator Edward Kennedy,the death of the legendary Nigerian lawyer Gani Fawehinmi,and the 2009 military shooting at Fort Hood.He is said to have prophesied concerning the plume of volcanic ash that disrupted air travel in Europe in 2010, the death of prominent Polish personalities including that of President Lech Kaczynski in the Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash, and the demise of Nigeria's leader Umaru Yar'Adua.
He is noted to even mention specific dates in his prophecies, such as July 16–17 concerning the recent terrorist attacks in Indonesia, Feb 13 concerning the New York plane crash and October 29 concerning the Nigerian ADC plane crash in 2006
- Personal prophecies
Joshua allegedly predicts events in the lives of individuals who attend his church services, often revealing details they have never previously disclosed to anyone.Many whose dire situations are revealed through prophecy are subsequently supported financially by the ministry, including armed robbers, for whom the church has a special rehabilitation program.
He is said to have personally predicted the annulment of the infamous June 12, 1993 Nigerian presidential elections to Chief MKO Abiola. Abiola won by an overwhelming margin but was denied his mandate when the election results were annulled by the preceding military president Ibrahim Babangida.
- Michael Jackson prophecy
T. B. Joshua allegedly prophesied the death of iconic pop legend Michael Jackson, personally sending a message of warning through his brother Marlon Jackson, who later visited the church during a trip to Nigeria after his brother's death.
- Football prophecies
T. B. Joshua's supposed prophetic foresight concerning football has come to the limelight with revelations that he predicted the outcome of Ghana's U20 World Cup Victory against Brazil to their coach, Sellas Tetteh. It was also reported that Joshua accurately predicted the outcome of two of Nigeria's Super Eagles crucial World Cup qualifying encounters between Tunisia and Mozambique, a claim confirmed by Nigerian Ambassador of Sports John Fashanu. He has countered insinuations of claiming glory for any team's victory, stating that a prophet is to 'speak the mind of God' to all who seek it in humility and cannot be said to help any team to win. Nigeria's Under-17 Team, the Golden Eaglets, also sought Joshua's help before the 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup. Before Nigeria's match with Argentina, Joshua is said to have prophesied the outcome to Eaglet's coach John Obuh.Two players from his team My People FC were members of the Eaglets squad, including Nigeria's top scorer and Golden Ball Winner Sani Emmanuel.
The former coach of Nigeria's Super Eagles, Shaibu Amodu, attested to Joshua's prophetic insights, saying he had accurately revealed that Nigeria would win their final World Cup qualifying match with Kenya. During the FIFA 2010 World Cup, Joshua accurately predicted the opening and closing matches of the tournament. Kirsten Nematandani, the South African Football Association President visited The SCOAN before the tournament to seek God's guidance and protection for the tournament.
- Deliverance of the demon-possessed
Many who have come to the church possessed by evil spirits are said to be delivered following prayer from T. B. Joshua. It was recently reported that an occult grandmaster was delivered in the church and others also attest to being delivered from various evil spirits of death,snakes and lizards through his prayers.
- Relationship with Ghana's President
The recently elected President of Ghana, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, is said to be a member of the SCOAN and a close friend of T. B. Joshua. He said Joshua had predicted his victory in the Ghanaian polls, specifying that there would be three elections and that the results would be released in January. Mills has described Joshua as his mentor.
During U.S. President Barack Obama's recent visit to Ghana, it was reported that T. B. Joshua's prayers influenced the significant change in weather, with the forecast rain stopping merely hours before his arrival and the weather remaining clear for his entire trip.
T. B. Joshua has encouraged Mills to support charitable organisations in Ghana, in line with his principle: "Spend more on others and less on yourselves."
- Reconciliation
T. B. Joshua was instrumental in reconciling the families of the late Samuel Doe of Liberia and the man accused of assassinating him, Prince Yormie Johnson. Prior to the reconciliation, the two families were sworn enemies.
The Nigerian press have reported other cases of families being reconciled by T. B. Joshua after years of separation.
- Witchcraft accusations
T. B. Joshua is a strong advocate of families, and has embarked on numerous activities to reunite families who have been separated due to false accusations of witchcraft within the home, a practice common in certain parts of Africa.[158][159] The accused are often subjected to untold hardship, such as in the case of an 80-year-old woman who was forced to live in the same room with her daughter's corpse for 14 months after being stigmatized as a witch.
Families torn apart through such allegations of witchcraft are reconciled on almost a weekly basis at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations as the truth from God is revealed regarding the said accusations. Many are financially supported thereafter on the road to rehabilitation and teams dispatched to the areas concerned to correct the wrong impression imposed on the accused, oftentimes young children. or elderly women
- National honour
In recognition of his humanitarian activities, Joshua was awarded the National Honour of OFR (Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic) by the Nigerian government in 2008. - Controversies
This section requires expansion.
Some have criticised T. B. Joshua, claiming that his alleged miracles are counterfeit or that he "mixes witchcraft with Christianity".] The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), an umbrella association of Nigerian Pentecostal Churches, refused admission to the Synagogue Church, denouncing T. B. Joshua as an impostor, and querying his background, mentorship and calling to the ministry. Christian critics often refer to T. B. Joshua's unorthodox methods as being not confirmed in the Bible.
Some[who?] have insinuated that the persecutors of Joshua are moved more by jealousy and envy than genuine concern.Prophet Joshua is known for not responding to his critics in the belief that silence cannot be misquoted.He says he sees the persecution as a blessing, as it draws him nearer to God.

- Juzi tarehe 22 Oktoba, katika mji wa York katika jimbo la Pennsylvania nchini Marekani kibaka mwenye bastola alimwamru jamaa mmoja aitwaye Larry Sanderson ampe kila kitu alichokuwa nacho.Larry akatoa waleti yake, simu ya mkononi, kichezeshi chake cha MP3 na sigara; na kumpa yule kibaka.
- Kibaka yule (pengine baada ya kuona kuwa alikuwa amepata vitu kiduchu) alimwuliza Larry kama alikuwa amempa kila kitu alichokuwa nacho. Larry alimweleza yule kibaka kwamba ni kweli alikuwa ametoa kila kitu alichokuwa nacho kwani yeye hana makazi (a.k.a homeless).
- Yule kibaka aliguswa na habari hizi na alimrudishia Larry vitu vyake vyote na kuondoka zake. Ubinadamu!
YORK, Pa. (CBS/AP) Police in Pennsylvania say an armed robber gave back everything he stole from a homeless man after learning he lives at a shelter.
The York Dispatch reported Thursday that 22-year-old Larry Sanderson was outside the York Rescue Mission on Wednesday night when a man displayed the handle of a revolver and told him to empty his pockets.
The paper says Sanderson turned over his wallet, cell phone, MP3 player and cigarettes.
When the armed man asked Sanderson if that was all he had, Sanderson explained he lives at the shelter.
Police say the robber replied, "I can respect that," returned the man's property, and walked away.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Parachichi: Kinga ya ugonjwa wa moyo na saratani ya matiti

Kama yalivyo matunda yote kwa ujumla kuwa yana faida sana katika mwili wa binadamu, vivyo hivyo na Parachichi. Tunda hili lina uwezo mkubwa wa kupambana na maradhi hatari ya moyo na sataratani ya matiti kutokana na virutubisho ilivyonavyo.
Kwa mujibu wa utafiti wa kisayansi juu ya tunda hili, lina kirutubisho aina ya Aloic Acid ambayo ni aina fulani ya mafuta mazuri yanayosaidia kushusha kolestrol mwilini. Katika utafiti mmoja waliofanyiwa watu kadhaa waliokuwa na matatizo ya kolestro mwilini, baada ya kutumia maparachichi kwa muda wa siku saba, walionesha mabadiliko mazuri katika afya zao kwa kupungua kiwango cha kolestro mbaya mwilini.
Aidha, parachichi lina kiwango kikubwa sana cha madini aina ya potasium ambayo ni muhimu sana katika kuimarisha mzunguruko wa damu mwilini. Inaelezwa kwamba ulaji wa kiwango kikubwa cha madini ya potasium, hutoa kinga madhubuti dhidi ya magonjwa yatokanayo na mzunguruko mbaya wa damu mwilini, kama vile ugonjwa wa moyo, shinikizo la damu na kiharusi.
Mbali ya madini hayo, parachichi lina virutubisho vingine kama vile Folate (Folic acid) ambacho ni muhimu sana kwa afya na ustawi wa moyo, kwa maana hiyo watu ambao wanakula sana vyakula kama parachihi vyenye kirutubisho hicho, watukuwa salama dhidi ya magonjwa ya moyo au kiharusi kwa asilini 55.
Kirutubisho kingine kinachopatikana kwa wingi kwenye parachichi ni Fatty Acids, ikiwemo Oleic Acid. Kwa mujibu wa utafiti wa hivi karibuni, imedhihirika kwamba virutubisho hivyo ni kinga tosha dhidi ya saratani ya matiti. Kwa maana nyingine, wanawake wanaokula kwa wingi maparachichi, wanaipa miiili yango kinga dhidi ya saratatani hiyo ambayo hivi sasa imekuwa tishio miongoni mwa wamawake wengi nchini.
Parachichi linaweza kuliwa kama mtu atakavyopenda, wapo watu wanaopenda kula bila kuchanganya na kitu kingine, lakini pia parachichi linaweza kuliwa kwa kupaka kwenye mkate badala ya Blue Band. Halikadhalika parachichi linaweza kuliwa kwa kuchanganya na nyanya, vitunguu, ndimu na chumvi kidogo kama kachumbari ya kipekee au kunywa juisi yake.
Kwa ujumla, parachichi ni chanzo kizuri cha Vitamini K, Vitamini B6 na Vitamini C. Aidha tunda hili lina kiwango kizuri cha virutubisho aina ya Folate, kopa na kambalishe (Fiber).
Fiber ni muhumu katika kuwezesha mtu kupata choo laini na bila matatizo. Bila kusahau kwamba tunda hili ni chanzo kizuri pia cha madini ya Potasiamu: ina kiwango kikubwa kuliko hata ndizi.
Ingawa parachichi ni tunda, lakini lina kiwango kikubwa cha mafuta (fats) ambayo yanakadiriwa kuwa kati ya asilimia 71 – 88, kiwango ambacho ni cha juu kwa asilimia 20 ukilinganisha na matunda mengine. Kwa wastani, parachichi moja lina gramu 30 za mafuta, lakini kati ya hizo, gramu 20 ni za mafuta mazuri kiafya (Monounsaturated fats na Aloic Acid) ambayo husaidia kujenga afya bora mwilini.
Utafiti zaidi kuhusu tunda hili unamalizia kwa kusema kwamba parachichi lina takribani aina 20 za Vitamin, madini na virutubisho muhimu (Phytonutriens) ambavyo hutuo kinga ya mwili dhidi ya magonjwa mengi hatari. Baadhi ya Vitamini zilizomo na asilimia zake kwenye mabano ni pamoja na Vitamin E (4%), Vitamin C (4%), Folate (6%), Fiber (4%), Iron (2%) na Potasium (4%).Kwa ujumla tunda la Parachichi lina faida nyingi kiafya na tunatakiwa tuyale kwa wingi, kwa faida ya miili yetu!
Una tatizo la kukosa usingizi?

Mtu mwenye afya nzuri, anahitaji kupata usingizi mzuri pia. Kuna baadhi ya watu hujaribu kulala lakini hawapati usingizi na wengine hulala na kupata usingizi, lakini hukatika katikati ya usiku na kubaki macho hadi kunapambazuka.
Sababu za mtu kukosa usingizi zinatofautiana kati ya mtu na mtu, inategemea na hali ya kiafya, kiakili, kimwili na kitabia ya mtu husika. Mtu anaweza kukosa usingizi kwa sababu ya kuwa na msongo wa mawazo au hofu juu ya jambo fulani au anaweza kukosa usingizi kutokana na matumizi ya dawa au dawa za kulevya, kahawa na ‘nikotini’. Inaweza pia kusababishwa na mazingira mabovu ya mtu anayolala.
Kwa mtu mwenye afya njema na asiye na matatizo yoyote, mwili unatakiwa upumzishwe kwa muda wa saa 7.5 au 8.5 kwa siku, na iwe usiku. Kuna baadhi ya watu usiku hawalali na badala yake hulala mchana kutwa, tabia hii kiafya haikubaliki kwa sababu inaenda kinyume na utendaji kazi wa mwili kiasili.
- Kwanza ni lazima upange muda wa kulala na kumka ambao utaendana na ratiba yako, hakikisha unalala na kuamka katika muda huo huo ulioupanga bila kuzidisha wala kupunguza.
- Kama una tatizo la kukosa usingizi, wakati unajiandaa kwenda kulala, usinywe vichangamsha mwili kama vile kahawa, pombe, sigara, chai nyeusi, n.k. Vitu hivyo huchangia kuvuruga usingizi.
- Usifanye mazoezi muda mfupi kabla ya kwenda kulala. Kama ni mtu wa mazoezi na unakabiliwa na hili tatizo, fanya mazoezi yako angalau masaa 3 kabla ya kwenda kulala.
- Hakikisha mazingira ya unapolala yanakuridhisha na yaliyotulia yasiyokuwa na makelele. Ni vizuri ukilala kwenye mazingira ya giza kuliko yenye taa na mwanga mkali.
- Ukiwa na njaa na kiu, huwezi kupata usingizi mzuri. Aidha, inashauriwa kuepuka kula vyakula vigumu na kushiba kupita kiasi muda mfupi kabla ya kwenda kulala. Vile vile usile vitafunwa vyenye sukari sukari kabla ya kwenda kulala, huchangia kuvuruga usingizi kwani hupandisha kiwango cha sukari mwilini.
- Inashauriwa kujisaidia kabisa kabla ya kwenda kulala, hupunguza uwezekano wa kubanwa na haja ndogo katikati ya usingizi na kulazimika kuamka ili kwenda kujisaidia.
- Weka muziki laini na kwa sauti ya chini pembeni ya kitanda chako ili kukuliwaza na kutuliza ubongo wako.
- Usomaji wa vitabu vya kiroho na kidini muda mfupi kabla ya kulala, hutuliza akili hivyo kukuwezesha kupata usingizi haraka. Usisome vitabu vya hadithi za kutisha au kusisimua muda mfupi kabla ya kulala, mambo huwa tofauti.
- Kama wewe ni mnene kupita kiasi, punguza unene kwanza, kwani uzito ukizidi huchangia matatizo mengine ya kiafya, likiwemo la ukosefu wa usingizi. Unaposhituka kutoka usingizini, usiangalie saa, itakusababishia ‘mchecheto’, badala yake endelea kulala na kufumba macho, hatimaye utapitiwa na usingizi tena. Ushauri wa mwisho mwingine, kunywa vijiko viwili au kimoja kikubwa cha asali mbichi wakati unapanda kitandani!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Amazing Facts About Honey

1. Honey is the only non man-made sweetener which also is considered to have healing effects.
2. Honey has a pH level around 3-4 and consists of roughly 18% water. Because of this honey is a very stable substance and can last hundreds of years if properly stored.
3. Honey can reduce fat deposits found in our cardiovascular system.
4. Honey will not ferment in your stomach like refined table sugar or sucrose does. Because of this it does not subject you to a risk of bacterial infection.
5. Honey is the simplest possible molecular form of sugar, which cannot be broken down any further. This allows it to travel directly from the small intestine to the blood stream while not causing any problems to the digestive system like sucrose.
6. Honey is a top choice as fuel for burning body fat during sleep since it has an equal ratio of fructose to glucose.
7. Honey is the best substance to use to treat burns. Honey can effectively subdue pain while quickly healing a wound without scarring.
8. Vitamins as well as antioxidants are found in honey. One special antioxidant known as ‘pinocembrin’ is found only in honey.
9. Honey is known to be a very effective and safe solution to children’s coughs, even more so than over-the-counter medicines.
10. Some recent studies have shown that athletes who consumed honey before and after physical activity have recovered faster than those athletes who did not consume any honey at all.
Given your new found knowledge of honey, now hopefully you can use it’s health benefits to your advantage. Keep in mind, the more natural the honey, the better. The honey found at your local fast-food chain is not going to give you the same health benefits as fresh natural honey straight from the bees nest. Start adding small amounts of natural honey to your meals to enjoy the health benefits it can offer you.

Wavulana hawa wanadai kwamba Bishop alikuwa akiwalaghai kwa pesa, magari, vito vya thamani na safari za ndani na nje ya Marekani huku akijifanya kuwa kama "baba" kwao na baadaye kutumia nafasi hiyo kuanzisha uhusiano wa kingono.
Habari hizi zipo kila mahali huko Marekani na sasa kuna picha ambazo zinadaiwa kwamba Bishop alikuwa akiwatumia vijana hawa na "text messages" ambazo alikuwa akiwaomba pia wamtumie picha zao. Na kwa wanaopenda kuhukumu, tayari wameanza kupaza sauti wakidai ni lazima ajiuzulu wadhifa wake wa Uchungaji Mkuu wa kanisa kubwa la New Birth Missionary Baptist Church lenye waumini wapatao 25,000 wakiwemo watu mashuhuri mbalimbali.