Wednesday, February 26, 2014


One of the endearing attitudes of children is their trust. Trust allows people to approach God believing that He will love us. It is trust that enables a child to be at peace, assured that
Violating that trust is very serious to the Lord. So much so that He at one point spoke a dire warning for anyone who would lead one of these little ones astray. His word indicates that each child has a guardian angel whose face is always beholding the Lord. Surely this childlike attitude would be another reason Jesus would say unless one changes and becomes like a little child, they cannot enter the kingdom.
Trust suffers when children must become wary of so many dangers in life. Sadly, one of those dangers is people who would shatter the childlike innocence of a trusting heart. As injury comes, so comes protection; protective walls go up in our minds and emotions. What is designed to shield from further harm however, becomes the very thing that keeps one from entering the fullness of the kingdom into which Jesus invites a kingdom which requires trusting Him.
Trust allows one to go through a door God has opened without knowing what is on the other side. Trust enables a disciple to receive the Holy Spirit after asking for His fullness, believing that God will give no counterfeit (Luke 11:13). Trust sponsors peace when God seems to take something away, knowing that He assuredly has something better to give in exchange. But trust is learned as Abraham and Saint Paul illustrate, through trials and crises, even though disciples wish it could be learned some other way.

So “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps.” (Proverbs 3:5-8; Psalm 36:3-6). That is not to say He wants to dominate every aspect down to the minute details of life. Like any good parent, He wants disciples who have spent enough time with Him that they know His heart and naturally make decisions that take them in directions that are pleasing to Him and glorify Him. In other words, trust is mutual. He entrusts, if you will, assignments to his disciples that are well suited for their personality.

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